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Scam is a term used in the speaking world as a synonym for fraud or deception, predominantly in the online sphere. Unfortunately, we live in a time when there are more and more people who want to profit from other people's hard-earned money. Scammers come up with increasingly sophisticated ways of deception that can sometimes be difficult to recognize even for the most experienced user.

Next, we will look at several fraudulent schemes.

1. You receive a message in your private messages from an unknown person offering earnings or assistance.
Do not trust such messages.

Always pay attention to who is writing to you with an offer of earnings: often the CEO of the project, with whom you are already familiar, may write to you, but usually CEOs do not write directly, so be sure to pay attention to the username and account information.

-Under no circumstances should you respond.

-Do not click on or write to the suggested accounts and NEVER click on links in these messages.

-Do not fall for the profit that you supposedly can receive.
You have been added to a chat or channel of a project
In the world of cryptocurrencies, it is always necessary to be on the lookout for attacks, constantly learning and absorbing new information, and reading various opinions. This leads to the need to be subscribed to many chats and channels.

Scammers often take advantage of this by creating spam mailings or directly adding users from one channel to another, which is fraudulent. Such chats and channels are disguised as a "promising" project, a closed VIP chat with signals, an information public with non-intrusive and native advertising of scam tokens.

Often, users do not notice that they have been added to a scam chat/channel because their information field contains a huge number of good publics, and in this stream of information, their eyes are running around. An easy way to recognize that you have been invited by force will be the inscription at the top:


Only trust the channels and chats that you have found and added yourself*.
*For security reasons, we recommend disabling the option to add to groups in Telegram (Privacy - Groups and Channels - Only "My Contacts").
When a user voluntarily joins a chat or channel, they often immediately interact with it.

Under the guise of help, scammers begin to write and call from different accounts posing as project support.

For example, I joined the PancakeSwap chat, and literally seconds later I started receiving calls and messages offering help:

Any website can be faked
Due to a lack of knowledge, beginners often search for service websites through regular search engines. This is where phishing sites can hide, which steal their funds.

Always go to websites from official sources or use ones that you have worked with before. Save the official website in your bookmarks.
Check suspicious websites for anti-phishing in the service:
You receive a message from someone you know with a suspicious offer or request
If someone you know sends you a suspicious request, offers an easy way to make money, asks you to purchase tokens through a third party, etc., it's likely a fake. Don't hesitate to call them and confirm if it's really them who sent the message.

Important! User accounts can be faked!
Scammers copy all data, including photos, account descriptions, and usernames, and sometimes it's difficult to distinguish a fake account from a real one.
Often, scammers pretend to be the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a project you can participate in or any other employee. Don't fall for such messages right away, try to find out from other employees (such as moderators or those you have already communicated with) if this is indeed the correct account.

Your wallet is offered to be connected somewhere
A common scam tactic is when a user asks a question in official sources to get a professional answer. An account posing as support, moderator, or administrator may send private messages and gradually gain the user's trust.

They ask professional questions to understand where the user has difficulties and offer various official ways to solve them.
They don't ask for money transfers, send fake links, or push fraudulent schemes. In general, they are professionals in their field. When a trusting relationship is established and the problem is not resolved, they set a trap that it's IMPORTANT not to fall into. The user is offered another way to check the problem. They send a website that may look very similar to the official one or have an additional word "support" in the name for pomp.
At the same time, they do not explain step-by-step what actions need to be taken on the website so as not to trigger suspicion in the user's mind. This website will have a magic button "connect wallet," or even worse - "enter SEED phrase." Due to lack of knowledge, a novice may decide that they need to connect their wallet to check.

NEVER do this, otherwise all funds will be stolen!
-Only connect your wallets to verified websites.
-Create a separate wallet with a minimum balance that you can connect to the site for verification.
You receive a message from the "admin" of a project offering help
This scenario is similar to the previous ones, but the scammer poses as an admin/CEO of a project and uses the same schemes to steal money.

Important! Never! Real admins of projects and chats do not initiate contact with users first!
You are offered to buy a token at a special price or directly
Cryptocurrency market participants follow many projects, especially those that are of interest but have not yet been fully launched. Wanting to get into the White List, participate in token pre-sales or tests while waiting for the token to be fully listed, users subscribe to all project social networks to not miss a minute of sales start to buy cheaper and, in the future, get coveted returns.

Scammers use users' greed for their own benefit:

- Add to various "closed sales" chats

- Congratulate in private messages that you have made it to the White List

- Write that the listing has already taken place and the token can be purchased

All this is accompanied by links to official DEX websites (after all, creating a token with the same ticker is easy), visually highlighting the point that only a certain number of participants will be able to purchase tokens. In a hurry, the user's greed prevails over reason, and he makes rash decisions just to buy quickly, as such a chance does not happen often.
Never fall for such manipulations! Scammers sometimes understand human psychology better than any psychologist calling themselves a professional. Before sending funds, make sure that the token contract address is real!
Tokens appeared in your wallet that you did not purchase
If you see a new token in your wallet - STOP! Never try to sell it!
Sometimes just clicking on an unfamiliar token can make you say goodbye to the funds in your wallet forever.

Due to the fact that many blockchain projects have started distributing tokens through airdrops or for advertising purposes, scammers have long picked up on this topic. If an airdrop site requests your private key, it is a scam. Remember this!

If you see an unfamiliar coin in your wallet, your actions should be clear: do nothing, forget that they exist in your wallet.

A new wallet appeared in the marketplace
This can refer not only to new wallets, but also to new or unverified websites that require you to connect your wallet.

If it's a new wallet: Don't rush to download it and import your seed phrases!
Only trust wallets downloaded from the project's official website.
When interacting with an unfamiliar website: NEVER use a wallet that holds assets, or its seed phrase.

It's always better to create a new wallet and use it, especially if your activity is related to testnets.
Create a new wallet for each activity.

Divide all your actions among multiple wallets – it may seem difficult to remember and record which wallet was used for each interaction, but it will be safer.
Remember! Separate wallets for different actions: for holding, trading, AirDrop, participating in White List, testnets, farming, and so on.
Fake startups
There are even more sophisticated ways of global scams. Let's imagine that we come across a new project.

Naturally, before investing, we need to learn as much information about it as possible.

We study the White paper, documentation, subscribe to social networks, and follow them. The company constantly posts new information and actively manages its channels, organizes various activities, and gives bonuses.
Overall, the project as a project does not arouse much suspicion. Like other projects, it offers to purchase NFTs before listing and stake them so that future tokens can already start accumulating, opens access to the White List - the luckiest participants get access to pre-sale and buy tokens accordingly.
The project continues to grow or pretends that development is in full swing. The X moment arrives - one or a couple of days before listing. The project offers its users to buy tokens before listing, slightly more expensive than pre-sale but cheaper than the minimum listing price, or simply lists - and the community starts buying it.

The price rises, the excitement increases.

BAM! The token cannot be sold, or the liquidity pool is empty.

Everyone is shocked. How could this happen?! The project skillfully followed its roadmap, there were still many plans and innovations ahead.

The project's idea was originally a scam: to pretend to be a working company, portray activity, collect money, and go into the sunset! Recognizing this immediately or in advance before the scam is very difficult, if not impossible. The main thing is always to keep in mind that this can happen to any project - whether it's new or has been in the market for a long time, like Terra Luna. It may also happen that the project simply could not cope with the tasks that fell on its shoulders.

Important! Always! Assume that a scam can happen with any project, intentionally or unintentionally. Don't fall in love with the project and invest all your money in it!

Another wave of fraudulent distribution of cryptocurrencies on behalf of Elon Musk has begun on TikTok. Videos are published hourly. In them, Musk allegedly gives interviews to major publications and offers to go to a certain site where the distribution is taking place.

Attackers have created hundreds of such pages, in particular posing as crypto exchanges.